Compare two lists of genes

Enter two lists of genes, or files containing list of genes, and indicate what comparison should be perfomed.

First list of genes.

Enter genes in this box.

Or upload a list of genes contained in a file, one gene per line.

Second list of genes.

Enter genes in this box.

Or upload a list of genes contained in a file, one gene per line.

logical AND AND, Genes in both lists. logical XOR XOR, Genes in list 1 or list 2, but not in both.
logical OR OR, Genes in list 1 or list 2. 1 but not 2 Genes in list 1 but not list 2.
2 but not 1 Genes in list 2 but not list 1.
Display result as text.
Include information after the gene name in the result.
Additional text on each line is:
separated by white space.
These aren't worm genes, don't add worm specific annotation.

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Please send comments or questions regarding this web page to Jim Lund (jlund256 at gmail dot com)